"The U.S.is distinguished from other developed countries in that it's still in the state of becoming," said Robert Lang, director of Virginia Tech's MetropolitanInstitute. “在这方面美国与其他发达和正在成为发达的国家相比仍然是十分杰出的,”维吉尼亚科技大学都市学院的院长罗伯特。朗格说。
James Phelan is humanities distinguished professor in English at Ohio State University and one of the leading figures in post-classical narrative theories. 摘要詹姆斯?费伦是美国俄亥俄州立大学人文学科资深教授、后经典叙事理论的代表人物之一。
Scientists, professors and engineers distinguished for their contributions were labelled bourgeois academic authorities, and outstanding young and middle-aged scientists and technicians trained by our party and state were vilified as`` shoots of revisionism ''. 他们把有贡献的科学家、教授、工程师诬蔑为资产阶级学术权威,把我们党和国家培养成长的优秀中年青年科学技术人员,诬蔑为修正主义苗子。
The distinguished spokesman had been in Sacramento at the state capitol. 这位大名鼎鼎的发言人曾到萨克拉门托州议会去过。
Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Speakers of Parliament and Representatives of Royal Families 尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑、议长和王室代表
The damage casued by adminstration tort should be distinguished as pure factual damage and lawful compensable damage, and only the latter can be one of the constitutive requirements of the state's liability for compensation. 因行政侵权行为所造成的损害应当被区分为纯粹的事实性损害与法律意义上的可赔偿性损害,而只有后者才是行政赔偿责任的构成要件之一。
The unitary event is distinguished from the divided event in the framework of change of state-status quo. 在状态改变-状态继续框架基础上将事件分为整体事件和分段事件。
Four sets of traffic flow data obtained from expressway in Beijing, Shenyang and Shanghai are analyzed, and the traffic states are distinguished as synchronized flow, or free flow state. 对取自于北京、沈阳和上海3座城市的4组快速路交通流数据进行分析,判别出交通状态为同步流或自由流。
It has gone through several periods, in which it was equated with the political society, separated from the country/ political society, or as a cultural community distinguished from the economy and state. 它经历了等同于政治社会,与国家/政治社会相分野,区分于国家、经济的文化领域等几个时期。
Pattern Distinguished Based on the Fuzzy Similarity Nearness for the State Recognition of Rotating Machinery 基于模糊相似贴近度旋转机械状态识别
Through the analysis of the present situation Linxia state rural poverty, this research suggests that the obvious contradiction between human and land is the key cause leading Linxia state rural poverty situation to severe, and also is the most distinguished situation of Linxia state. 通过对临夏州农村贫困现状的分析,本研究认为人地矛盾突出是临夏州农村贫困形势异常严峻的关键性致因,是临夏州最大的州情。
We explored two classes of GHZ-type and two classes of W-type states. The states belong to the same class of entanglement are distinguished from different initial excited state populations. 我们考察了两类GHZ型和两类W型态,两类同一形式态的区别在于具有不同的初始激发态布居。
In his theory of the social contract, he firstly distinguished "state" and "government" in the strict sense. 他在社会契约论中还首先区分了国家与政府的严格意义。
For the difference between adjacent systems in a phase diagram those could not be observed in the bulk, which can be easily distinguished in the confined state. 在本体状态中人们难以观察到的、相近体系间的相行为差异,在受限状态下可以清晰地展现出来。
Aristotle, Tomas Aquinas, Rock, Montesquieu etc. state from civilization angle to research civil society, but Hegel and Marx transform their focus on economics, distinguished civil society and the state. 亚里士多德、托马斯·阿奎那、洛克、孟德斯鸠等人,主要是从文明社会的角度去考察市民社会,而黑格尔和马克思则把视阈转向了经济学角度,区分了市民社会和政治国家。